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Wheel of the Year: Litha

The wheel of the year is integral to pagan traditions, helping us to recognize and pay respect to the ever-changing cycles that make up natural life. It also speaks of times when the veil between this world and others is thinnest, providing opportunities for ritual work, connection with spiritual entities, and amplifying magical energy.

It is at the peak of summer – when the days are the longest and lightest – that we celebrate Litha (also known as Midsummer). This holiday marks the midsummer solstice, a time of great abundance and increased magical energy. During this period, the sun is in its highest position in the sky and its effects can be seen all around us: ripening crops; busy bees gathering nectar; birds chirping away in their nests. All this bounty speaks of joyousness and fertility, enabling us to embrace the spirit of Litha fully.

The correct pronunciation of the pagan holiday Litha is "lee-tha" but it is also modernly accepted to pronounce the pagan holiday as “lie-thuh.” The name Litha comes from a Germanic word meaning "June" and is celebrated on the Summer Solstice, which falls in June or around the 21st of June every year.

At Litha, the veil between our realm and the otherworld is particularly thin. This makes it an ideal time to perform magical workings, prayer, and meditations, and connect with the spiritual realm and sources of divine wisdom. As we step into this time of abundant light, we are also invited to open up to a deeper understanding of our own magic. We can use Litha as a portal for tapping into our intuitive knowledge and unlocking new layers of spiritual insight. Through ritual practice, meditation, divination, or any other form of connection with Spirit that resonates with us, we can commune with the energies of this powerful season and gain access to its transformative potential.

Litha is a time to celebrate the growth and abundance of nature, and many ancient symbols are associated with this holiday. Traditional Litha colors include yellow, representing the sun's energy and power; green, for the growing crops; and blue, for the sky's openness. Herbs such as chamomile, daisy, lavender, rosemary, and mugwort can be used to honor the season. And goddesses such as Frigga or Freya (from the Norse pantheon) and Astarte (from the Canaanite pantheon) can provide additional guidance during these celebrations. Whether you understand these figures as actual personified beings, archetypal energies, or energies of mythology, their stories can be powerful to research and explore in conjunction with this point in the wheel of the year.

  • Colors: Yellow, Green, Blue
  • Energies: Power, Creativity, Inspiration, Love, Divination, Healing, Fertility
  • Oils/Incenses: Cinnamon, Heliotrope, Lemon, Musk, Orange, Rose, Saffron, Sandalwood, Wisteria, Vervain
  • Crystals: Amber, Jade, Tiger’s Eye, Jasper, Peridot, Aventurine, Ruby, Emerald
  • Symbols: Sun Wheel/Disc, Sun, Fire, Bonfires, Roses, Daisies, Torches, Fairies
  • Foods: Honey, Lavender, Ale, Bread, Cheese, Edible Flowers, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, Lemons, Mead & Wine, Milk, Oranges, Summer Cakes

So let us all celebrate Litha: a time filled with magic, abundance, joy, and growth. Let us pay homage to the wheel of the year; let us listen closely to its ancient wisdom; let us embrace its power to connect us with something greater than ourselves. May our hearts be open and our minds keen as we move through each passing season – gaining insight into life's mysteries along the way.

If you're interested in embracing Litha through ritual, consider what aligns with your practice, such as connecting with solar and earth energy through gardening, cooking or baking using ingredients that represent solar energy, performing a powerful fire ritual, creating art using colors associated with the holiday, or (my personal favorite) devoting time harvesting fresh berries and vegetables to your deity or spirit guide(s) of choice.

I love dedicating my energy to harvesting because it's symbolic of the ripening crops that have been provided to us by the earth as we prepare for the coming winter months that symbolize the death portion of the ever-rotating lifecycle and wheel of the year.

No matter how we choose to honor Litha, its transformative energy encourages us to appreciate the beauty of nature and all it brings into our lives. Take a moment to fully immerse yourself in the spirit of the summer solstice — use colorful decorations, burn herbs, or simply spend time outdoors to truly feel connected with all that this powerful season has to give. May you experience abundance, joy, and peace through your celebration of Litha!

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