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What is Paganism?

One of the fundamentals of the Sacred Wisdom Society and the esoteric path is paganism. Here is a brief overview of what this means within esotericism.

Pagan is a word that gets a bad rap in most religious communities—and rightly so. Not because paganism is inherently bad but because it encourages people to ask questions, recognize the sacredness of life within themselves and others, step into their own power as an individual, and no longer be susceptible to herd mentalities. These things often elicit fear in religious leaders who build their livelihoods on controlling others through fear. When people no longer fear asking questions, no longer fear viewing others’ lives as equally sacred, no longer fear tapping into their own power, and no longer fear swimming upstream, it is nearly impossible to control them. For religious communities, that is a “bad” thing, not because it’s actually bad, but because it no longer benefits those who have been in control for far too long.

The Pagan Path

Paganism is a call to be free from the fear of human beings in order to live in unison with nature and the divine. Paganism may be defined as someone who is one with nature, and to us, that is about respect more than anything. For we are not worshiping the trees themselves, but rather recognizing the energy and spirit that flows through them as being sacred, just as we recognize the energy within ourselves and every other person we encounter.

Every individual who identifies as pagan is unique and their paths all look different. This is because paganism is not a religion that dictates what you do and when you do it but rather encourages you to find your own way of connecting with the sacredness of life and the divinity of our existence.

Some pagans may focus solely on nature, connecting with plants and trees. They may find peace and purpose through gardening or spending time outdoors. Others may focus on their connection with energy as a whole and how it moves through different people, animals, or plants. And others still may simply allow each day to bring about a newness with zero expectations and solely focus on going with the flow. There is no right or wrong way to be a pagan or practice paganism. Simply find freedom from the oppression of religion, and if claiming the title of “pagan” is still too problematic after having claimed other labels over your lifetime, then it’s okay to simply “be.”

Paganism and The Divine Feminine

Pagan practitioners often recognize the feminine face of divinity. With that being said, though, there are some Pagan paths, such as the cult of Odin or of Mithras, that offer exclusive allegiance to one male god but they do not deny the reality of other gods and goddesses, as monotheists do.

As promised, I do want to clarify what is meant by the word ‘cult’ as it has always meant the specialized veneration of one particular deity or pantheon and has only recently been extended to mean the worship of a deified or semi-divine human leader in a negative light in modern times. For example, the cult of Isis would be those who are devoted exclusively to her. In contrast, non-Pagan religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, often but not always, abhor the very idea of female divinity. A closer look at the Christian bible, with a lot of recovery work on the translations and interpretations, reveals that the Holy Spirit figure of their religion was the feminine counterpart to the Father God figure. This is completely lost in modern patriarchal religion but is an erasure of the sacred feminine that can be traced back to the origins of the religion.

Modern Paganism

In the present day, the Pagan tradition manifests both as communities reclaiming their ancient sites and ceremonies, to put humankind back in harmony with the Earth, and as individuals pursuing a personal spiritual path alone or in a small group. To most modern Pagans in the West, the whole of life is to be affirmed joyfully and without shame, as long as other people are not harmed by one’s own tastes.

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