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Unknowingly moving into a house immediately after the prior homeowner had passed away

For most people, haunted houses are spooky. To me, though, they're sad. They're containers for the lingering remnants of people of the past that remain haunted themselves, fearful to move on from the material realm to what's next for them.

Many years ago, we found a house that had just been remodeled. Hardwood floors ran throughout, the wall outlets were upgraded with USB plugs, and it was move-in ready. Despite having multiple other houses fall through when it came time to finalize the paperwork, everything with this home fell perfectly into place, and it was ours. We were thrilled.

After moving in and getting settled, things suddenly started to shift. Strange sounds rumbled from the hallway and attic. Eerie chills made the hair on the back of your neck stand up as you passed through the dining room. And when you least expected it, you'd catch the shadow of a person hurrying through the living room.

Multiple times, conversations arose about the energy of the house—and each time, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone had died there. I reached out to our realtor to find out if there had been any reports of such happenings and she came back empty-handed. I turned to Google to see if I could figure anything out myself and I too came back empty-handed.

Days, weeks, and months went by and the unsettling feelings of death and sadness lingered. Glimpses of an older man materialized from time to time in the kitchen, but as soon as he appeared, he would disappear yet again. Often, he would just stare as though he was lost or uncertain of how to spend his time.

After nearly a year of living in this house, we received a strange piece of mail that wasn't addressed to us. The name was peculiar and I quickly researched who they were and their connection with our house. Not only did they previously live at this address BUT they were the prior homeowner. I found the deed to the house and unsurprisingly, they had lived here for nearly two decades.

The air was thick with uncertainty as we stood in the dimly lit hallway observing the digital copy of the deed to the house. The question lingered heavily in our minds, casting a shadow of unease over our once peaceful home. Did they die in this house? It was a query that had haunted us for days, refusing to be ignored.

As we delved deeper into our investigation, searching for any shred of evidence or historical records that could shed light on the mysterious past of this place, anxiety gripped us tighter. The weight of the unknown pressed down upon us like a heavy burden.

But amidst all this apprehension and uncertainty, one thing remained clear — we were not alone.

I continued to search for any information about the former homeowner and eventually stumbled upon a recent obituary dated only a few months prior to us moving into the house. The words that struck me hardest from the obituary stated that the individual had died in the master bedroom, our bedroom that is.

Discovering the obituary of the former homeowner of your house, and learning that they died in your very own bedroom can be a truly unsettling experience for most, but for me, it gave solace that what I was seeing and hearing was legitimate and could be backed by factual information.

My hope and heart for all deceased individuals who become trapped in the material world, regardless of why they are unable to move on, is that they know that stepping into what's next for them is always better than lingering here. Looking back on my life, I've rarely lived anywhere that didn't have heightened spiritual activity. Maybe I'm the common denominator, but either way, it's made me more aware of the energy where I live, and when spirits stay who are meant to carry on their way, I make it a point now to help them do so to the best of my ability.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, here's my advice to you.

Living with ghosts or paranormal activity when you're unaccustomed to it can be an overwhelming experience, impacting both your physical and emotional well-being. It is important to address these concerns and find ways to bring peace not just to yourself but also to any restless spirits that may reside in your house.

Exploring solutions such as seeking guidance from spiritual practitioners or conducting rituals focused on helping stuck spirits move forward can help bring some relief. However, I say that cautiously, as helping the dead move forward isn't for everyone, so only proceed with this if you are confident in how to do so in a manner that is safe for you and respectful of the spirit.

And remember, it's crucial to prioritize your own mental health while dealing with such circumstances.

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