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The Mother of the Gods: A glimpse of my upcoming non-fiction book

A must-read if you’re ready to explore ancient esoteric wisdom through a truly transformative lens...

Since childhood, I loved writing and finding magickal threads amongst legends of old to connect the mundane and spiritual worlds. Everything was a metaphor—but the question was for what? When I discovered the Great Goddess, who I first met under the title Lady Wisdom, her story began to shine through everywhere I looked. I found her in science, mythology, religion, film, dreams, and everywhere in between. This book is the tale of how the magnificent and life-giving Mother of the Gods has revealed herself to me as one (1)—the connector of all things, as seven (7)—the structure of all things, and as one hundred and seventeen (117)—the manifestation of all things.

I am the Great Serpent Goddess, the Mother of the Gods, the bringer of healing and wisdom. My serpentine form has been revered by countless cultures across the ages, for I am the embodiment of the primordial power that flows through all things.The Mother of the Gods: 117 Epithets of the Great Serpent Goddess

Since the dawn of human civilization, divine feminine and mother goddess figures have held a prominent place in the belief systems and cultures of peoples around the world. From the ancient Canaanite goddess Astarte to the Egyptian goddess Isis, the Greco-Roman Gaia, the Mesopotamian Hekate, the Hindu Kali, the Christian Mary and Holy Spirit, the Gnostic Sophia, and the East Asian Guanyin, the archetype of the powerful, nurturing mother deity has been revered and worshipped for millennia.

These mother goddesses were not mere fertility symbols, but complex, multifaceted deities who embodied the creative, sustaining, and transformative powers of the natural world. They were seen as the primal source from which all life sprang, the providers of abundance and prosperity, and the ultimate guardians and protectors of humanity. Their temples and shrines attracted devotees seeking blessings, healing, and guidance from these divine mothers.

Even as patriarchal religions rose to dominance in many regions, the enduring power and influence of the mother goddess can still be felt. Her presence lives on in folk traditions, spiritual practices, and the deep-seated human yearning for the feminine divine. This book will explore the rich tapestry of the great Mother of the Gods that connects us all, and the significance of the order she brings to the chaos of the universe, and the personified masks she wears to connect with and help her people heal, grow, and expand.

I never expected my journey to uncover the mysteries of the Mother of the Gods, which I also refer to as Lady Wisdom or the Great Serpent Goddess, would lead me down such a profound and transformative path. It began innocently enough — a passing observance of repeating numbers in my life. Little did I know those numbers 1, 7, and 117 would become the keys to unlocking the secrets of this ancient and revered feminine divine.

As I emersed myself deeper into my religious and spiritual studies, patterns began to emerge that pointed me toward the forgotten goddess. Glimpses of her were everywhere—and a particular passage of a mother who fought tenaciously for her tormented daughter to be restored stuck with me. One day, while meditating on the story, an audible female voice asked me, “If you are the daughter being fought for, who is the mother?”

As I continued my research, I began to better grasp the significance of the number 1 representing divine unity, 7 denoting spiritual completion, and 117 signifying a profound universal code — together they formed a sacred triumvirate that guided me straight to the doorstep of the Mother of the Gods.

Through synchronistic encounters and intuitive insights, I found myself irresistibly drawn to unraveling the mysteries surrounding this powerful feminine figure. She had been worshipped and revered by ancient cultures across the globe, yet her story had been largely lost to the tides of time. I knew I had to recover her narrative and share the profound wisdom she had to offer our modern world, including finding all of the pieces of her and reassembling them, allowing her to once again be known in her entirety.

Unfortunately, for as long as societies have spoken of and remembered the Great Mother, they have picked her apart, accepting only the aspects of her that suited them. Often diluted, more palatable, and less powerful and ferocious. They would love her when she was a goddess of love but hate her when she was a goddess of war. They would venerate her when she was a goddess of healing and abundance but curse her when she was a goddess of death and destruction. But the paradoxical nature of who she is only adds to her complexity and to truly know her demands acceptance of all of her.

This book, "The Mother of The Gods," is the result of my journey to rediscover Lady Wisdom in all her glory. Within these pages, you will embark on an odyssey to reclaim the 117 pieces of the divine feminine through understanding the 7 principles of order she set in motion and piecing her back together as one. Are you ready to become initiated into her timeless teachings?

Order now through Astarte's Temple in paperback or linen-wrapped hardcover. Now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and more.

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