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The Fundamentals of Spiritual Awakening

Recently, I was asked to put together a series of resources on spiritual awakening, so this article is the beginning of many resources to come.

What is Spiritual Awakening?

An overview of spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening can be described as a profound shift in consciousness and awareness that leads to a deep understanding of oneself and the world around us. It often involves a heightened sense of connection to something greater than ourselves, whether it be a higher power, the universe, or simply a collective energy.

During a spiritual awakening, individuals may experience a range of emotions, insights, and revelations that challenge their existing beliefs and perspectives. This process can be both transformative and challenging, as it often involves confronting unresolved emotions, letting go of limiting beliefs, and seeking greater meaning and purpose in life.

It’s important to note, though, that what many people describe as a spiritual awakening is actually only the beginning of the process—and a person who is truly spiritually awakened has already moved through behaviors of acting superior or more intelligent than others, have found balance in both light and darkness, have managed to keep their ego in check, and so on.

Sudden Awakening — This type of spiritual awakening occurs abruptly and can be triggered by a profound experience or realization. It often leads to a significant shift in perspective and a newfound sense of clarity.

Gradual Awakening — Unlike sudden awakenings, gradual awakenings unfold over time and involve a series of smaller revelations or insights. This type of awakening allows for a more gentle and steady transformation.

Existential Awakening — This type of awakening involves questioning the deeper meaning and purpose of one’s existence. It often leads to a search for greater spiritual connection and understanding.

Emotional Awakening — Emotional awakenings involve becoming more attuned to one’s emotions, feelings, and innermost desires. This type of awakening can lead to increased self-awareness and emotional healing.

Intuitive Awakening — Intuitive awakenings involve tapping into one’s intuition and inner wisdom. This type of awakening can lead to greater trust in one’s instincts and a deeper connection to the universe.

Awakening through Crisis — Sometimes, spiritual awakenings are triggered by challenging life events or crises that force individuals to reevaluate their beliefs and priorities. These awakenings often lead to profound personal growth and transformation.

Who typically experiences spiritual awakening?

People from all walks of life can experience spiritual awakenings, but there are certain types of individuals who may be more predisposed to such profound experiences. Those who are introspective and reflective by nature often find themselves on a spiritual journey, seeking deeper meaning and connection in their lives. Additionally, individuals who have experienced significant life changes or challenges, such as loss, trauma, or a near-death experience, may be more open to a spiritual awakening as they search for healing and understanding.

People who are curious about different belief systems and philosophies, and who are open-minded to exploring new ideas and perspectives, are also more likely to experience spiritual awakenings. Those who have a strong sense of empathy and compassion towards others may find themselves drawn to spirituality as a way to connect with something greater than themselves and cultivate a sense of purpose and interconnectedness.

How will I feel once I start spiritually awakening?

After experiencing a spiritual awakening, individuals often report feeling a profound sense of inner peace, clarity, and purpose. They may feel more connected to the world around them, as well as to a higher power or universal energy. Emotions such as love, joy, and gratitude tend to become more prevalent in their daily lives.

On a mental level, those who have undergone a spiritual awakening often find that their perspective on life shifts dramatically. They may experience heightened levels of intuition, creativity, and insight into their own thoughts and emotions. This newfound clarity can lead to a greater sense of self-awareness and personal growth.

Spiritually awakened individuals also tend to experience a deep sense of interconnectedness with all living beings. They may feel more compassionate towards others and develop a strong desire to contribute positively to the world. This can result in a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in their relationships and activities.

Overall, the aftermath of a spiritual awakening is often described as a transformative and enlightening experience that brings about a profound sense of peace, purpose, and connection to something greater than oneself.

Is Spiritually Awakening Dangerous or Evil?

Absolutely not. Can it be difficult and uncomfortable? Yes, of course. Can the new wisdom and knowledge you have access to be used to cause destruction and harm to others? Certainly. But is it inherently dangerous or evil? No, not at all.

How is spiritual awakening different from practicing religion or spirituality?

Spiritual awakening can be seen as a deep inner shift in consciousness, leading to a profound sense of connection to oneself, others, and the universe. It often involves a heightened awareness of one’s true self and purpose in life. This awakening is a personal and transformative experience that goes beyond religious or spiritual practices.

Practicing religion or spirituality, on the other hand, typically involves following established beliefs, rituals, and traditions within a specific framework or community. While these practices can also lead to personal growth and connection to the divine, spiritual awakening is more about an individual’s direct experience of spiritual truths and insights.

In essence, spiritual awakening is a journey of self-realization and enlightenment that transcends external structures and dogma, allowing individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and connect with the deeper aspects of existence. It can be a profound and life-changing process that opens up new perspectives and possibilities for growth and evolution.

Should I be scared of spiritual awakening?

While it can sound scary to go through such a major paradigm shift and the aftermath of seeing the world in such a different way, it’s also really beautiful and exciting too. Though change can be frightening, it’s equally worth it.

Embracing Spiritual Awakening

What to know before getting started

If you’re ready to welcome all that comes with a spiritual awakening, the following ritual is one you can perform to align your intentions with the transformative energy that comes through connecting with your higher self, the universe, and the wisdom that is in and all around you.

When people begin the process of spiritual awakening, they can quickly become susceptible to ideas of grandeur, thought processes that can evolve into psychosis-like behaviors, and welcoming energies into their space out of ignorance that is not aligned with their highest good. In order to mitigate and minimize these pitfalls, I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of grounding, cleansing, protection, banishing, and parasitic entities before proceeding.

Always Start with Grounding, Cleansing, and Protecting Yourself and Your Space

How to Ground Yourself

Grounding before any form of spiritual awakening ritual is incredibly important as it ensures that you are connected to your body, the material realm, and very much present for everything that is to follow. You can ground your energy in several ways including, spending time in nature, walking barefoot on the grass or soil to feel the connection to the earth, sitting crisscross on the ground to connect your root energy source to the earth, imagining roots growing from your feet into the earth anchoring you firmly, practicing intentional breathing exercises, and more. Remember that grounding is a personal practice, so feel free to explore different techniques and find what works best for you.

How to Cleanse Your Space

To cleanse the energy of your space before performing any type of spiritual awakening ritual, you can smoke cleanse with sacred dried herbs, sound cleanse with bells or singing bowls, or utilize energy-clearing sprays like Florida water or other cleansing blends. Each method has its unique way of clearing negative energy and creating a positive environment for your spiritual awakening ritual, so use whatever method is easily doable and works best for you. Remember to be intentional through the process, so if you are going to cleanse with burning dried herbs, for example, do not simply wave the burning herbs and smoke around, but set your intentions and focus on cleansing the space you’ll be working in of any negative or stagnant energy so that you have a neutral starting point.

How to Protect Your Space

After cleansing the space to bring it to a neutral state energetically speaking, you’ll then want to protect yourself and the space from any additional unwanted energies from entering. This is a critical step as it helps minimize the risk of parasitic entities or malevolent beings from sneaking their way into your space while spiritual doorways or portals are “open” — do not ever skip protective steps when performing any type of spiritual awakening ritual, even if it’s a seemingly simple or straightforward practice. Protection can be implemented by setting an energetic boundary, such as casting a circle, if this aligns with your spiritual path and beliefs, wearing protective crystals, such as black obsidian, black tourmaline, or hematite, or casting a protection spell, or utilizing a protective ward.

You can protect your space and create a protective circle with the support of the elements using the steps below.

Facing East, speak: “Thank you to the East and the element of Air for protecting and assisting me through this spiritual awakening ritual and preventing any energies that aren’t aligned with my highest good from entering this sacred space. Hail and welcome!”

Turning right and facing South, speak: “Thank you to the South and the element of Fire for protecting and assisting me through this spiritual awakening ritual and preventing any energies that aren’t aligned with my highest good from entering this sacred space. Hail and welcome!”

Turning right and facing West, speak: “Thank you to the West and the element of Water for protecting and assisting me through this spiritual awakening ritual and preventing any energies that aren’t aligned with my highest good from entering this sacred space. Hail and welcome!”

Turning right and facing North, speak: “Thank you to the North and the element of Earth for protecting and assisting me through this spiritual awakening ritual and preventing any energies that aren’t aligned with my highest good from entering this sacred space. Hail and welcome!”

How to Welcome a Spiritual Awakening

After effectively grounding yourself and cleansing and protecting the space you’ll be working in, here are a few different methods that I have personally used to welcome a spiritual awakening, whether it be for the very first time or to take you to a deeper/higher level from your current state, as taught to me by my deities and spirit guides. Remember, after the spiritual awakening ritual is performed, you will want to close out the ritual in reverse order by re-protecting yourself and your space, re-cleansing yourself and your space from any lingering negative or stagnant energy, and re-grounding yourself to diffuse built-up energy from the working itself.

  • Connecting With Your Higher Self — Start by setting a clear intention to connect with your higher self. This can be done through meditation, visualization, or simply stating your intention out loud. Focus on your breath, clear your mind, and allow yourself to be open to receiving guidance from within. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout the day. By being mindful, you can better align yourself with your higher self and live in accordance with your true purpose. Your intuition is a direct link to your higher self. Trust your gut feelings and inner wisdom, and follow the guidance that comes from within. Keep a journal to record your thoughts, insights, and experiences as you connect with your higher self. Writing can help you gain clarity and deepen your connection over time. Take care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being to create a harmonious environment for connecting with your higher self. This can include exercise, healthy eating, relaxation techniques, and spending time in nature. Remember that connecting with your higher self is a personal journey that requires patience, practice, and an open heart. Stay committed to the process and trust that the wisdom and guidance of your higher self will unfold in divine timing.
  • Connecting With Your Inner Wisdom — Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax and be alone with your thoughts. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and clear your mind. Reflect on a question or issue that you would like guidance on. Trust your intuition and allow your inner wisdom to surface. This may come in the form of thoughts, feelings, or sudden insights. Write down any thoughts or ideas that come to you, as this can help you process and remember them later. Consider meditating or practicing mindfulness to further deepen your connection with your inner wisdom. Remember to be patient and give yourself time to truly listen to what your inner wisdom is trying to tell you.
  • Connecting With the Source or Universe — Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can relax and focus on connecting with the Source. Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Begin by setting a clear intention to connect with the Source or Universe. This can be done through a simple prayer, meditation, or by simply stating your intention out loud. Expressing gratitude is a powerful way to align yourself with the energy of the Universe. Take a moment to feel grateful for all the blessings in your life. You can meditate on the feeling of connection with the Source, or visualize yourself surrounded by divine light and love. Allow yourself to feel the presence of the Universe within and around you. Pay attention to any intuitive messages or signs that may come to you during this practice. Trust your inner guidance and allow it to lead you towards a deeper connection with the Source. Remember that connecting with the Source is a personal and individual experience, so feel free to adapt these steps to suit your own spiritual practice and beliefs. Enjoy the journey of aligning yourself with the infinite wisdom and love of the Universe.
  • Connecting With Your Ancestors — Begin by setting your intention to connect with your protective ancestors in a respectful and open-hearted manner. Approach this practice with reverence and sincerity. Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can focus without distractions. You may want to create an altar with items that are meaningful to you and represent your ancestors, such as photos, candles, flowers, or objects that belonged to them. Practice meditation or mindfulness techniques to quiet your mind and open yourself up to receiving messages from your ancestors. Focus on your breath and allow yourself to be present in the moment. Consider incorporating rituals such as lighting candles, burning incense, or offering food or drink as a way to honor and connect with your ancestors. You can also try writing letters to them or speaking aloud to express your thoughts and feelings. Pay attention to any signs, synchronicities, or intuitive feelings that may arise during your practice. Your ancestors may communicate with you through dreams, visions, or subtle nudges in your daily life. Take time to honor and remember your ancestors on special occasions such as Samhain, birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays. You can create rituals or traditions that celebrate their lives and legacy. If you feel called to delve deeper into connecting with your ancestors, consider seeking guidance from experienced practitioners such as mediums, psychics, or healers who specialize in ancestral work. Remember that connecting with your ancestors is a personal journey that requires patience, respect, and an open heart. Be open to the messages and guidance they may offer you, and trust in the wisdom of those who came before you.
  • Connecting With Your Spiritual Guides and Divine Beings — Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can relax and be undisturbed. You may want to light a candle, burn incense, or play soothing music to create a sacred atmosphere. Begin by setting a clear intention to connect with your spiritual guides or divine beings. This intention will help focus your energy and attention on the connection you seek. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and quiet your mind. Once you feel centered, mentally or verbally ask your spiritual guides or divine beings to come forward and offer their guidance and support. You can ask specific questions or simply open yourself up to receiving whatever messages they have for you. Be open and receptive to any signs, symbols, or messages that come your way. These may come in the form of gut feelings, intuitive insights, dreams, or synchronicities in your daily life. After you have connected with your spiritual guides or divine beings, take a moment to express gratitude for their guidance and presence in your life. Gratitude can help strengthen your connection and deepen your relationship with them. Remember that connecting with your spiritual guides is a personal and individual experience, so trust in your own intuition and inner wisdom as you explore this connection further.

How to Re-Protect Yourself

After the spiritual awakening ritual, you’ll want to re-protect your energetic field to repair any places where vulnerabilities may have arisen following welcoming the spiritual awakening transitionary energy into your life. Take a moment to visualize your energy being slowly mended and strengthened before closing out the protective circle that was created with the support of the elements. These steps will be done in reverse order from how they were first performed.

Stand up and facing North, speak: “Thank you to the North and the element of Earth for protecting and assisting me through this spiritual awakening ritual and preventing any energies that aren’t aligned with my highest good from entering this sacred space. Thank you and farewell.”

Turning left and facing West, speak: “Thank you to the West and the element of Water for protecting and assisting me through this spiritual awakening ritual and preventing any energies that aren’t aligned with my highest good from entering this sacred space. Thank you and farewell.”

Turning left and facing South, speak: “Thank you to the South and the element of Fire for protecting and assisting me through this spiritual awakening ritual and preventing any energies that aren’t aligned with my highest good from entering this sacred space. Thank you and farewell.”

Turning left and facing East, speak: “Thank you to the East and the element of Air for protecting and assisting me through this spiritual awakening ritual and preventing any energies that aren’t aligned with my highest good from entering this sacred space. Thank you and farewell.”

Be intentional going forward to protect your energy. Find what works best for you, whether it be veiling (wearing a head covering), wearing protective crystals, wearing a protective talisman or amulet, shielding through glamour magick, or whatever your preferred method is.

How to Re-Cleanse Yourself

To cleanse your energy (and space if you feel it’s necessary) after performing this spiritual awakening ritual, you can utilize the same method you did at the beginning of the ritual, such as smoke cleansing with sacred dried herbs, using sound cleansing with bells or singing bowls, or utilizing energy clearing sprays like Florida water or other cleansing blends.

Alternatively, you also might opt for something that’s more personal to cleanse yourself, such as a ritual cleansing shower or bath. Remember to be intentional through the process, so if you are going to cleanse with burning dried herbs again, for example, do not simply wave the burning herbs and smoke around yourself or your space, but set your intentions and focus on cleansing your energy so that you feel clean, refreshed, and energized.

How to Re-Ground Yourself

Grounding after a spiritual awakening ritual is incredibly important as it ensures that any excess energy is redirected back to the ground/earth. You can ground your energy utilizing the same method you did at the beginning of the ritual, such as spending time in nature, walking barefoot on the grass or soil to feel the connection to the earth, sitting crisscross on the ground to connect your root energy source to the earth, imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth anchoring you firmly, practicing intentional breathing exercises, etc.

Remember, just as we tend to our physical bodies with care and attention, so too must we nurture our spiritual well-being. By cultivating a practice of grounding, cleansing, and protecting ourselves we can fortify our energetic boundaries and safeguard our essence from anything who seeks to drain it.

Topics to Explore and Research

There are countless topics to dive into, but here’s a few places to start

  • Meditation techniques and practices (Check out The Art of Meditation Course)
  • Energy sources in the body and energy healing (Check out the Balancing Energy Sources in the Body Course)
  • Law of attraction and manifestation
  • Mindfulness and living in the present moment
  • Astrology and its influence on personality
  • Crystal healing properties and uses
  • Tarot cards and divination methods (Check out the Quickest Method for Learning Tarot Course)
  • Sacred geometry and its spiritual significance
  • Sound healing with singing bowls or tuning forks
  • Spirit guides and connecting with higher realms
  • Lucid dreaming and astral projection (Check out the Accessing Astral Realms Course)
  • Sacred symbols from different cultures and traditions
  • The power of affirmations and positive thinking

May you walk your path with wisdom and prudence. Blessed be on your journey of spiritual growth and healing.

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