Recently, I was asked to put together a series of resources on spirit communication, specifically with ancestors or deceased loved ones, so this article is the beginning of many resources to come.

The Veil & Liminal Space
What exactly is the veil? The veil refers to the liminal space or "in-between" energetic barrier that separates the physical world from other spiritual realms, such as the realm of the ancestors, the realm of the gods and goddesses, the realm of the fae, and so on.
During certain times of the year (and even certain times of day, such as dawn or dusk), the veil is often described as being "thinner" than other times of year, resulting in heightened energetic happenings as spirits come and go more freely than at other points during the year. While this may not impact practitioners who are more accustomed to interacting with spirit realms, for those who are less in tune with other realms or newer to interacting with energy, it can be incredibly intense to experience.
Protective Ancestors and Loved Ones
Life is a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, meaning that spirit never dies, just as physics teaches us that energy is never destroyed only transformed. The family unit is composed of both the living and the departed, the essence of the departed is ever-present and as such can be activated anytime. Whilst the ancestors are no longer present in the physical they still can communicate and act as spiritual guardians to their descendants by offering support and guidance along their life to help overcome challenges and tap into one’s potential.
While countless ancestors have come before us and are a part of our heritage and family lineage, that does not mean that they are all inherently good people, have our best interests in mind, or are energy that we want to carry forward with us. Ancestors who perpetuated patterns of abuse, trauma, and harm, not only do we want to be intentional to avoid carrying the negative aspects forward with us, but we also want to ultimately unwind and break the generational cycles that have been created. That doesn’t mean that those who were not good people should be discarded, as they are still a part of us. But instead, we can send them love, cleansing, and healing energies while maintaining boundaries to protect ourselves and future generations.
This is why, as practitioners, we are intentional about calling forward our protective ancestors or protective loved ones in our workings, communications, and rituals. This communication can take place in various ways including through meditations, dreams, visions, synchronicities, nature, signs, sounds, and so on. The most important thing to understand about connecting to and communicating with your ancestors is the power of your intention. Once you make the decision to connect with your protective ancestors or loved ones, you will find that the pathway of communication opened.

Connecting With Your Ancestors or Loved Ones
Below I have put together a simple ritual for connecting with your protective ancestors or loved ones. As with most rituals I perform, I start with protective and grounding exercises and then carry out the ritual using a form of representation of the spirit(s) being connected with, a beacon or fuel source to guide and honor the spirit(s), and the magickal power of my intentions to carry out the actual working.
What you'll need:
- Something to represent your ancestor(s) or loved one(s), such as a photo or physical object that belonged to them. If you do not know your ancestors (which is 100% okay), anything that makes you think of them, such as a crystal or other item can be used too.
- A black candle (or a color that is preferred for your practice and intentions). In some practitioner's cultures they may only opt for white candles, so use what best fits your beliefs and practices pertaining to the deceased and your ancestors.
- A glass or bowl of water to enhance emotional connection.
- An offering to honor your ancestor(s) or loved one(s), such as wine, bread, or if known, something that would have honored their culture or beliefs.
While there are many methods for carrying out the below ritual, I am only going to highlight how I perform this ritual myself. You are welcome to replicate it in its entirety or modify it using your own preferred methods of protection, representation for your ancestors and loved ones, preferred candle method, and so on.
Performing the Ritual
Start with sitting on the ground. If you have a designated altar space for the deceased and/or your ancestors, sit in front of that setup with your representative item, candle, and offering. Close your eyes and envision a bright light surrounding you completely. Let this light permeate every inch of you until you feel warm, safe, and grounded.
Facing East, speak: "Thank you to the East and the element of Air for protecting and allowing me to be present in this window of liminal space. As I access the ancestral realm, I welcome my protective ancestors (or loved ones), and I thank you for helping guide them to me. Hail and welcome!"
Turning right and facing South, speak: "Thank you to the South and the element of Fire for protecting and allowing me to be present in this window of liminal space. As I access the ancestral realm, I welcome my protective ancestors (or loved ones), and I thank you for helping guide them to me. Hail and welcome!"
Turning right and facing West, speak: "Thank you to the West and the element of Water for protecting and allowing me to be present in this window of liminal space. As I access the ancestral realm, I welcome my protective ancestors (or loved ones), and I thank you for helping guide them to me. Hail and welcome!"
Turning right and facing North, speak: "Thank you to the North and the element of Earth for protecting and allowing me to be present in this window of liminal space. As I access the ancestral realm, I welcome my protective ancestors (or loved ones), and I thank you for helping guide them to me. Hail and welcome!"
Place the item (I'll be using my grandmother's class ring that is engraved with her initials) that represents your ancestor(s) or loved one(s) beside the black candle and offering.
Light the black candle intended to guide your ancestors to you and place the cup or bowl of water beside this beacon.
Place out the offering (I'll be using red wine and pie since that was my grandmother's favorite thing to make) for your ancestor(s) or loved one(s) around/beside the black candle to feed them and honor them.
Sitting and closing your eyes, envision a doorway opening and your protective ancestor(s) or loved one(s) coming through the gate toward you. Ask that any messages they may have for you be clearly received and state any other intentions you may have, such as honoring them, getting to know them better, etc.
Once you feel that they are with you, allow any messages they have to flow toward you. If you are not yet skilled at receiving messages through clairaudience, claircognizance, or the like, focus on how the present energy feels. Sit quietly with these feelings, allowing your body to take it all in and then gently release it. If you feel drawn to use a form of divination to communicate with your ancestor(s) or loved one(s), you may do that as well.
When you are ready to end the ritual and communication with your ancestor(s) or loved one(s) for now, thank those who came forward and allowed you to connect with them, and then visualize them all leaving through the same gate they came through. Once gone, envision the doorway closing and fading away.
Stand up and facing North, speak: "Thank you to the North and the element of Earth for protecting and allowing me to be present in this window of liminal space. I say goodbye to my protective ancestors (or loved ones), and I thank you for helping guide them back to the ancestral realm."
Turning left and facing West, speak: "Thank you to the West and the element of Water for protecting and allowing me to be present in this window of liminal space. I say goodbye to my protective ancestors (or loved ones), and I thank you for helping guide them back to the ancestral realm."
Turning left and facing South, speak: "Thank you to the South and the element of Fire for protecting and allowing me to be present in this window of liminal space. I say goodbye to my protective ancestors (or loved ones), and I thank you for helping guide them back to the ancestral realm."
Turning left and facing East, speak: "Thank you to the East and the element of Air for protecting and allowing me to be present in this window of liminal space. I say goodbye to my protective ancestors (or loved ones), and I thank you for helping guide them back to the ancestral realm."
For a more in-depth resource for accessing ancestral realms and clearing patterns of abuse from your lineage, check out the Accessing Ancestral Realms foundational course. May you walk your path with wisdom and prudence. Blessed be on your journey of spiritual growth and healing.