One of the fundamentals of paganism and esoteric wisdom is grounding. Here is a brief overview of what this means within esotericism and how you can practice grounding.

What is grounding?
Grounding keeps your energy rooted and connected to the appropriate surrounding sphere. Grounding physically means we are maintaining a connection with our body and the earth around us. Grounding emotionally means we are maintaining a connection with our feelings and the realm of emotions around us. Grounding spiritually means we are staying connected with our spiritual self and the realm of energy.
Why do I need to ground?
Grounding keeps us anchored in a way that can minimize the risks of having our heads too far in the clouds, so to speak. While it is important to remain open-minded throughout this process, it is also necessary that we move forward in a manner that is also logical and rational, which requires a degree of grounding. Just because we have an idea or thought pop into our head doesn’t make it true or reliable information. Grounding helps us process incoming information and navigate how to appropriately sort the information so that we can best observe and analyze it. If at any point during your routine or studies, you feel disconnected from your physical body or the surrounding world, disengaged from your emotional self or the realm of feelings, or out of touch with your spiritual self and the energies around you, it’s a good idea to ground.
How can I ground?
Grounding with earth
This is most people’s default understanding of grounding and often looks like walking barefoot in nature or sitting on the floor. Spending time outdoors, in the sunshine, or with plants and animals can all be forms of grounding as well.
Grounding with water
This can be done by bathing or wading in a body of water and feeling the water all around you similar to how feeling the earth under your bare feet can ground you.
Grounding with fire
This can be done through heat or warmth, or creative or artistic exercises. Spending time in the sun, a sauna, or with a heated or warm fuzzy blanket can help ground you. Painting, drawing, coloring, journaling, or writing can be creative outlets that can ground you as well.
Grounding with air
This can be done through breathing exercises, listening to grounding frequencies, or meditating to balance the root and sacral chakras. Spending time focusing on your breath, expressing gratitude for the air you inhale and exhale, and allowing the sounds you hear to keep you grounded can make a tremendous difference.
Grounding with spirit
This can be done through visualization and meditation, such as envisioning your spirit sprouting roots like a tree and growing deeply into the earth beneath you.