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Working With Lunar Phases and the Wheel of the Year

The lunar cycle is an awe-inspiring natural phenomenon that has captivated people for centuries. The Moon's orbit around Earth takes 29.5 days, making it a celestial body with a regular and predictable pattern of phases that have been tracked since ancient times. These phases are caused by the angle between the Sun, Earth, and Moon - when these three celestial bodies align in a certain way, we get to experience each of the eight distinct Moon phases from New Moon to Full Moon and back again.

If you're new to paganism or esoteric wisdom, you may be wondering, why the obsession with the moon? For me, I like to view topics like these both scientifically and spiritually. From a scientific perspective, the moon influences the tides of the ocean, the biggest body of water on our planet, so why wouldn't we think it also naturally influences our bodies (which are made up of a large percentage of water) too? Additionally, women specifically, are often naturally synced with the moon on a hormonal level, with many women experiencing their cycle in alignment with the same phase of the moon month after month if they are on a true 28-day cycle.

Spiritually speaking, the moon is a symbol of wisdom, the death and rebirth cycle, and is connected to the Great Goddess. So, when we align our routines in conjunction with the lunar cycles, it can feel like we are more aligned energetically with the way things are happening in nature.

In my practice, I like to specifically time my rituals, meditations, and workings with the respective phase that the moon is in. Many people focus solely on the full moon and new moon for their workings, but each phase of the lunar cycle contains its own unique magical energy and resonance that can be used to your advantage by understanding its capabilities.

One way to work with the energy of the moon is by setting intentions; this involves focusing on what you want to manifest during each phase of the moon. You can also make ‘moon water’ by leaving a glass or jar of water outside to absorb lunar energies before using it in rituals. Charging crystals under the light of the moon is another helpful practice, as it amplifies their healing properties and helps them hold onto their energies longer. Journaling, shadow work, inner healing, higher self connection, crafting, cleansing, and so on are things that can be done at any time, but there are points in time where these practices can have even greater impact and strength based on the micro and macro energies that influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves.

One of the most important things I also like to take into consideration is how the respective lunar cycle that we're in sync with the overall wheel of the year, which is also divided into eight segments with the eight pagan holidays that we celebrate throughout the year. For example, during Litha, which is the pagan holiday that aligns with full moon energy (or the point when light is at its strongest/fullest), the full moon that occurs in conjunction with this time is especially powerful because the lunar phase AND wheel of the year are aligning for amplified energy.

The moon's cycle consists of eight distinct phases: new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent. Each phase is characterized by a particular fractional illumination of the lunar hemisphere facing Earth. The New Moon marks the start of the lunar cycle as it passes in front of the Sun from our perspective on Earth. During this time, only a very thin part of its illuminated surface is visible. As it continues moving around its orbit after the new moon phase, it gradually gets more illuminated until we reach a Full Moon, which is when it looks completely lit up from our perspective. We then move through each waning phase before arriving back at another New Moon.

New Moon Phase. The new moon at the time of Yule is exceptionally powerful and brings an energy of new beginnings, the chance to start anew, and resetting intentions. When the new moon arrives, it is an opportunity to set magical intentions for a fresh start. Take stock of what has come before and decide what you want to manifest in the weeks ahead. Ask yourself questions such as: What do I need to nurture within myself? What kind of changes should I make in my life? Which areas of my life would benefit from focus and attention?

Waxing Crescent Moon Phase. The waxing crescent moon at the time of Imbolc is exceptionally powerful and brings the energy of taking action on our goals and living up to our potential. The waxing crescent moon can be used as a catalyst in transforming your wishes into physical reality. To make use of this powerful energy, prepare yourself prior to setting your magical intention by visualizing how you would like it to look once it has manifested into physical form. This helps focus your energy and create momentum towards achieving what you desire. Use affirmations and mantras throughout the process to reaffirm that this will come true for you. Once ready, release the magical intention during the waning crescent phase and watch the transformation happen.

First Quarter Moon Phase. The first quarter moon at the time of Ostara is exceptionally powerful and brings the energy of courage needed to maintain momentum and stay true to our visions. The first quarter moon is a special time to set intentions and focus on creating positive change in our lives. It's a time for us to tap into the power of the moon and let its energy guide us toward achieving our goals. At this time, it's important to take some time for reflection and focus on what we want to manifest in our lives. Meditating, visualizing, or journaling are all great ways to start engaging with this magical phase of the moon. With clarity and dedication, we can use this powerful lunar energy to create meaningful changes that will bring us closer to our deepest desires.

Waxing Gibbous Moon Phase. The waxing gibbous moon at the time of Beltane (also known as May Day) is exceptionally powerful and brings an energy of spiritual growth and encouragement as we nurture what has been created so far. The waxing gibbous moon is a powerful time for magical intentions and working with the energies of the divine feminine. Working within these energies can bring about transformation, abundance, protection, strength, and personal empowerment. It is a time to embrace your highest potential and allow yourself to manifest positive change in your life. You can use this energy to draw in prosperity or deepen existing relationships. Whatever you desire will be amplified when you set an intention under the power of the waxing gibbous moon.

Full Moon Moon Phase. The full moon at the time of Litha (also known as Midsummer) is exceptionally powerful and brings an energy that illuminates us with power, allowing us to recognize where we are in the cycle and assess how far we have come. The full moon is a powerful time of the month for manifesting your deepest desires and realizing your dreams. When you set an intention under the light of the full moon, it carries a magical power that can bring it to fruition. Therefore, it is important to choose your intentions with careful attention and make sure they are aligned with your true purpose in life. With each full moon, you can harness the power of intention to create positive change in your life and those around you.

Waning Gibbous Moon Phase. The waning gibbous moon at the time of Lammas is exceptionally powerful and brings an energy of stillness, wisdom, and a chance to reflect and refocus. The waning gibbous moon is the perfect time to focus on intentions that involve manifesting, releasing, and letting go. Use this time to reflect on what no longer serves your highest self and let it go. If you have something in mind that you wish to bring into your life, use the waning gibbous moon's energy to create an intention or a plan of action for making it happen. This phase of the moon is also beneficial for creating rituals intended to help cultivate personal healing and growth. No matter what intention, spell, or ritual you are working with during this phase, remember that it will always be amplified by love - so take care not to rush through the process, but instead infuse it with positive thoughts and emotions.

Third/Last Quarter Moon Phase. The last quarter moon at the time of Mabon is exceptionally powerful and brings an energy of letting go, allowing us to surrender whatever no longer serves our highest purpose. The last quarter moon is the time to focus our efforts on releasing and letting go. As we approach this phase of the lunar cycle, it's important to take a few moments to reflect on what we want to release from our lives. This could be a belief system, an attitude, or any other energy that no longer serves us. We can use magical intentions during this time, such as visualizing a bright white light surrounding us and carrying away all of those negative energies. We can also call upon helpful spiritual guides and ancestors for assistance in releasing what no longer serves us. By setting powerful magical intentions during the waning moon, we can move forward with a sense of clarity and renewed purpose.

Waning Crescent Moon Phase. The waning crescent moon at the time of Samhain is exceptionally powerful and brings an energy of closure as we prepare to initiate the cycle anew. The waning crescent moon is an excellent time for setting intentions to close out a cycle. This is the time to release what no longer serves us and make space for new energies to enter. Like releasing a burden that has been weighing you down, or a fear that's been sabotaging your progress. It's also a great opportunity to cast away self-doubt and set boundaries around your own values and beliefs. Practicing gratitude during this phase helps us to recognize how far we have come and all the blessings in our lives, allowing us to move forward with faith and trust in ourselves. When connecting with the waning crescent moon, remember to be gentle with yourself, forgive any shortcomings, and celebrate each small victory – every step counts!

Weaving lunar energy AND the wheel of the year into our daily lives can be a powerful way to stay connected to the energy that's occurring on micro and macro scales. Working with the lunar cycle can help us tune in to our intuition, live in harmony with nature, and deepen our connection to spirit. Through this practice, we honor ourselves by honoring the natural rhythms that makeup life on Earth. As you work with these energies, remember that it’s all about creating balance - finding moments of both rest and action, stillness and movement. As we align our lives with the phases of the moon and the wheel of the year, we unlock an even greater potential within ourselves.

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