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Wheel of the Year: Yule

The wheel of the year is integral to pagan traditions, helping us to recognize and pay respect to the ever-changing cycles that make up natural life. It also speaks of times when the veil between this world and others is thinnest, providing opportunities for ritual work, connection with spiritual entities, and amplifying magical energy.

It is at the peak of winter that we celebrate Yule. This holiday marks the longest night and shortest day of the year and is a time to pause and reflect on the darkness before we welcome in the light when springtime rolls around again after winter ends. The Pagan tradition of Yule signifies death and release in preparation for growth in the new year. It is a spiritual time to honor both endings and beginnings.

The connection between Yule and the new moon also creates an opportunity to release unwanted patterns or energies through ritual. It can be used as a time to embrace inner transformation via meditation or reflection while also allowing ourselves to rest within the dark cycle of life. As one ritual ends, another begins with this powerful lunar energy.

The word Yule is derived from the Old English word, ‘geōl’. This term was used to describe the midwinter festival that was celebrated in Scandinavia and Germany. It is believed that this word may have been related to a root meaning “wheel” or “turning around,” likely referring to this holiday being both the beginning and end of the Wheel of the Year. Over time, the name for this festival eventually changed into Yule. It is celebrated on the Winter Solstice, which falls in December, from the 21st to the 23rd every year.

The Yule season is a special time of year, and the veil between this world and the other realms is particularly thin during this period. Dreams seem more vivid, and it is easier to sense or see supernatural phenomena such as ancestors, spirits, and fae. To those with open eyes and hearts, it can be a magical opportunity to commune with the divine and gain insight into mysteries beyond our physical realm. If you are drawn to explore these energies further during yule-time, take some time for stillness and meditation.

Yule is a time to celebrate the release and reset of nature, and many ancient symbols are associated with this holiday. The traditional colors of Yule are rich and evocative, each one symbolizing something different. Red represents the burning flame that lights up the cold winter nights and brings warmth and comfort to those who gather around it. Green is a reminder of life in the darkest months, representing growth even when all appears still. White stands for purity and new beginnings, while gold celebrates prosperity and abundance. Yarrow, mistletoe, barberry, holly, ivy, and rosemary are just some of the many herbs associated with Yule. And goddesses such as Frigga or Odin (from the Norse pantheon), Astarte (from the Canaanite pantheon), and Gaia (from the Greek pantheon) can provide additional guidance during these celebrations. Whether you understand these figures as actual personified beings, archetypal energies, or energies of mythology, their stories can be powerful to research and explore in conjunction with this point in the wheel of the year.

  • Colors: Red, Green, White, Gold
  • Energies: Release, Renewal, Balance, Protection, Preparation, Harmony
  • Oils/Incenses: Frankincense, Pine, Sage
  • Crystals: Rubies, Bloodstones, Garnets, Emeralds, Diamonds
  • Symbols: Bells, Candles, Holly, Oak, Mistletoe, Ivy, Evergreens, Laurel, Bayberry, Blessed Thistle, Yellow Cedar
  • Foods: Yule Log Cake, Gingerbread, Fruits, Berries, Nuts, Pork dishes, Turkey, Eggnog, Ginger Tea, Spiced Cider, Wassail

So let us all celebrate Yule: a time filled with magic and healing. Let us pay homage to the wheel of the year; let us listen closely to its ancient wisdom; let us embrace its power to connect us with something greater than ourselves. May our hearts be open and our minds keen as we move through each passing season – gaining insight into life's mysteries along the way.

If you're interested in embracing Yule through ritual, consider what aligns with your practice, such as connecting with lunar energy through symbolism, cooking or baking using ingredients that represent the season, or (my personal favorite) devoting time to creating magical decor or wards to your deity or spirit guide(s) of choice.

I love dedicating my energy to telling cosmic stories of the divine through my ceramic village displays because hiding things in plain sight to me fits with the lunar and new moon energy of the Yule season as we prepare for the coming winter months that symbolize the rebirth portion of the ever-rotating lifecycle and wheel of the year and light growing amongst the darkness.

No matter how we choose to honor Yule, its transformative energy encourages us to appreciate the dark seasons of our lives. Take a moment to fully immerse yourself in the spirit of the winter solstice - use meaningful decorations, burn herbs, or simply spend time cozying up indoors with a cup of wassail to truly feel connected with all that this powerful season has to give. May you experience warmth, joy, and release through your celebration of Yule!

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