If you're new to paganism or esoteric wisdom, you may be wondering, why the obsession with the moon? For me, I like to view topics like these both scientifically and spiritually. From a scientific perspective, the moon influences the tides of the ocean, the biggest body of water on our planet, so why wouldn't we think it also naturally influences our bodies (which are made up of a large percentage of water) too? Additionally, women specifically, are often naturally synced with the moon on a hormonal level, with many women experiencing their cycle in alignment with the same phase of the moon month after month if they are on a true 28-day cycle.
Spiritually speaking, the moon is a symbol of wisdom, the death and rebirth cycle, and is connected to the Great Goddess. So, when we align our routines in conjunction with the lunar cycles, it can feel like we are more aligned energetically with the way things are happening in nature.

Lunar cycles have long been associated with spiritual practices such as paganism and moon magic. The moon's energy is believed to influence our emotions, intuition, and overall well-being. By aligning our lifestyle to match the different phases of the moon, we can tap into its healing power and find balance in our lives.
Working with lunar cycles allows us to harness the energy of each phase for specific purposes. During the new moon, we can cleanse, release, set intentions, and plant seeds for new beginnings. As the moon waxes, we can focus on growth and manifestation. The full moon is a time of heightened energy and amplifying things of importance in our lives. And as the moon wanes, we can reflect, recharge, and prepare for a new cycle.
By incorporating lunar practices into our daily lives, we open ourselves up to a deeper connection with nature and ourselves. We become more attuned to our own rhythms and learn to honor both light and shadow aspects within us.
The Third/Last Quarter
The last quarter moon is a fascinating lunar phase that holds a special kind of energy and power. In the cycle of the moon, the last quarter occurs when the moon is three-quarters of the way through its journey from full to new. This phase is characterized by a half-moon shape, with the right side illuminated in the northern hemisphere and the left side illuminated in the southern hemisphere.
It is often associated with release, reflection, and letting go. During this phase, we are encouraged to evaluate our progress since the previous full moon and identify anything that no longer serves us or aligns with our goals.
Working With the Third/Last Quarter
The energy of the last quarter moon can be harnessed for various purposes. Some people use this time to release negative emotions or habits, while others focus on decluttering their physical space or clearing out mental clutter. It can also be a time for forgiveness, closure, or tying up loose ends.
In terms of magickal practices, individuals may perform rituals or spells during this lunar phase to aid in their releasing efforts or manifest closure in certain areas of their lives. This could involve writing down what they wish to let go of and burning it as a symbolic act of release.
Overall, embracing and working with the magical power and energy of the last quarter moon can provide an opportunity for personal growth, transformation, and renewal as we prepare for a fresh start with each new lunar cycle.