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  • Herbalism

Sacred Wisdom & Herbalism

117 Leaves & Herbalism

The 117 leaves are our way of describing the 117 epithets, nimshalim, or energies associated with Lady Wisdom. As the goddess of the earth, connecting with herbalism and the energy or plant medicine and remedies is a powerful way to honor Lady Wisdom.

7 Branches & Herbalism

The 7 branches are the core wisdom teachings of Lady Wisdom. Three of these branches directly connects to understanding the importance of plants esoterically speaking and are a part of Lady Wisdom through and through.

The Tree & Herbalism

The tree is our way of describing Lady Wisdom is her full divine and incomprehensible form, meaning that everything that connects to the leaves and branches, such as the realm of herbalism, by extension, is a part of and is the tree herself.

Let's Learn About Herbalism

What is Herbalism?

Herbalism is the practice of working with plants, herbs, and the like to create salves, remedies, teas, and potions for the purpose of healing and connecting to the realm of the divine. Sacred herbs are used in rituals, spellwork, for cleansing, and more.

Why Does Herbalism Matter?

Herbalism is a powerful way to connect with Mother Nature, the energy of plants, and the natural remedies and magickal energies readily available to us in the great outdoors. Herbalism can be used in countless ways magickally speaking.

How Can I Practice Herbalism?

Start by learning everything you can about herbs and plants that are native to your area. Learn about what is edible, what is toxic, what is poisonous, and so on. Study both the scientific and magickal associations with the plants and how you can implement them into your practice based on your intentions. For example, rose petals are excellent for ritual baths, planting rosemary bushes is great for protection for your home, and calendula is great for skincare and beauty.

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