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  • Elements

Sacred Wisdom & the Elements

117 Leaves & the Elements

The 117 leaves are our way of describing the 117 epithets, nimshalim, or energies associated with Lady Wisdom. As the goddess of the elements and elementals, learning to work with these energies is something incredibly important to Lady Wisdom and something we hold in high regard at the Sacred Wisdom Society.

7 Branches & the Elements

The 7 branches are the core wisdom teachings of Lady Wisdom. Throughout these wisdom principles, there are countless connections to water, fire, earth, air, and spirit, connecting the four classical elements and spirit to Lady Wisdom in a deep and meaningful way.

The Tree & the Elements

The tree is our way of describing Lady Wisdom is her full divine and incomprehensible form, meaning that everything that connects to the leaves and branches, such as the elements, by extension, is a part of and is the tree herself.

Let's Learn About the Elements

What Are the Elements?

The four classical elements in many esoteric wisdom traditions are water, earth, air, and fire. Often, the element of "spirit" is added in as well and is where the 5-pointed star, or pentacle, symbol derives from, The elements are representative of each of the different aspects of our human experience linking to the emotions, material realm, mental plane, and creative soul energy.

Why Do the Elements Matter?

The elements govern the directions and energies available to spiritual practitioners, making them common aspects of most rituals, spells, and magickal workings. For example, the element of earth is often connected with through crystals, herbs, Mother Nature, and so on. Many rituals, especially those we teach in the Sacred Wisdom Society, call upon the protective energies of Lady Wisdom through the four classical elements.

How Can I Connect With the Elements?

Start by learning what the four classical elements are, what energies they connect with, and then practice working with each one individually and at different scales. For example, if you're focusing on the element of fire, learn about how it connects to creative and passionate energy, and start with working with single flames, such as a candle, but keep in mind there is also energy that comes from bigger fires like bonfires or wildfires.

Sacred Wisdom Society Courses on the Elements

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