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Correcting Topics Falsely Taught as Being Evil

In a society where everything that was once considered good is labeled as "evil," the impact on individuals who are naturally drawn to healing, the earth, mother nature, homeopathic remedies, and esoteric wisdom can be profound. This shift in societal perception not only challenges their beliefs and values but also undermines their ability to contribute positively to the world.

When a society dismisses or demonizes practices that promote healing and connection with nature, it creates a disconnect between individuals and their innate inclination toward holistic well-being. Those who seek alternative methods of healing or rely on traditional remedies may feel marginalized or misunderstood. Their knowledge and expertise in areas such as homeopathy or esoteric wisdom are undervalued or even ridiculed.

This societal conditioning can have detrimental effects on both individuals and the collective consciousness. People who are naturally drawn to these practices may suppress their true selves out of fear of judgment or rejection. They might feel isolated and struggle to find acceptance within mainstream society.

Moreover, when societies disregard the importance of nurturing our relationship with the earth and its resources, they risk damaging the very foundation that sustains life. The consequences can be seen in environmental degradation and an overall disregard for sustainable practices.

It is crucial for societies to recognize the value of diverse perspectives and alternative approaches to well-being. Embracing a more inclusive mindset allows for a harmonious coexistence between traditional medical practices and holistic healing methods. By honoring both scientific advancements and ancient wisdom rooted in nature's principles, we can create a more balanced society that prioritizes individual well-being alongside environmental sustainability.


At the core of its definition lies the understanding that what we call magick is the energy that flows through everything in the universe. It’s this power, if you will, that allows us to heal, learn, grow, and evolve. To say that magick is inherently evil is to say that energy is evil, which would make our existence itself evil—and while that may be the conclusion some have come to, I’ll certainly never in good conscience be able to take a stance that plants, trees, water, blood, animals, or any other thing that has life flowing through it is evil because it has an energetic component. We “practice magick” every time we think, breathe, pray, meditate, make tea, care for others, cook, clean, dance, and everything in between. Magick is as interconnected to us as water is to the ocean.


The ancient origins of the title “witch” far pre-date the ideas of treachery muddied up in Halloween, spooky stories, and sermons of fire and brimstone. The word at its essence means someone who works with or is devoted to the pursuit of wisdom or is a wise person. So to condemn witches as being "evil" means you would also have to condemn every priest, pastor, saint, angel, nun, teacher, mystic, healer, doctor, scientist, researcher, or philosopher — after all, philosophy literally means “lover of wisdom.” Witches, or wise people, understand that wisdom is found in nature, in ourselves, and all throughout the universe, not in man-made buildings labeled holy by people who prey on their congregations' pocketbooks and fears of eternal punishment.


Having found its place in modern times as the opposite of “traditional” religious paths, such as Christianity, paganism is a way of living free from dogma and doctrine. To be pagan is to see the sacredness of life found all throughout nature, people, animals, and the elements. Paganism sees the energy woven into all of existence and says I respect and honor each aspect as having a unique place in our universe. While individual paths can vary greatly from pagan to pagan, most are connected to god/deity/source and see the different forms or personified ways that this energy can be understood through gods, goddesses, and divine beings across cultures, time periods, and lifetimes. While anyone can use their belief system to cause harm to others, there is nothing inherently evil about paganism itself.


The wisdom that is hidden or not available to the masses is often frightening to those in positions of power who aim to control what people know and have access to. Esotericism is the pursuit of the hidden mysteries of the universe that are tucked away in places we’re often taught not to look, but just because we’ve been told something is “evil” or “wrong” doesn’t make it so. Esoteric beliefs sit at the core of all religions where some teachings or rituals are only for a select group so to condemn those who pursue esotericism would require all people who study life’s mysteries and the divine to be labeled evil as well. Christian faiths have this with only certain priests or pastors being allowed to do things on behalf of the congregation because not everyone would be willing and/or capable of taking on such a role themselves. While people with access to this type of knowledge or wisdom can certainly use what they’ve learned to cause harm, that isn’t because esotericism is evil but because people can choose to misuse what they’ve tapped into. So, why not pursue what you’re drawn to?


While there are certainly parasitic entities in existence that are malevolent in nature, the term “demons” is a bastardization of the original word daemon which simply meant spirit. The collective of beings often referred to as demons in the spiritual space, such as the goetic infernal beings found in texts such as the Lesser Key of Solomon and other grimoires are heavily slanted based on confused religious ideologies and take gods, goddesses, and other divine beings of old and have reshaped them into occult demons of modern day. Not only is the portrayal of many of these beings entirely disrespectful but it is also inaccurate as to who these beings were originally before religious bias was added to their stories and lore. For example, the Canaanite god Ba’el (which meant lord or lord of EL) was divided into multiple “demonic” beings with cruel-intended names including Beelzebub (lord of filth, flies, or dung), Belial (worthless), etc., the Egyptian goddess Isis was converted into the “demon” Paimon, and the Canaanite goddess Astarte or Asherah was changed into the “demon” Astaroth. These were beings of compassion, wisdom, and death & rebirth long before they were diminished to Christianity’s man-made boxes of evil. In fact, I'd even be willing to argue that El, Astarte, and Ba'el of the Canaanite pantheon were the original divine trinity.


Put simply, divination is connecting with the divine. While some may use it for knowing certain aspects of what’s to come in the future, most practitioners use it specifically for communicating with god/gods and goddesses, divine beings the spiritual realm, etc., and growing in wisdom. There are countless forms and methods for receiving messages from the divine, such as prayer, meditation, tarot cards or oracle cards, scrying or gazing, pendulums or spirit boards, runes, and so on. Whether you are asking god for a sign through prayer or speaking with a divine being through a pendulum, both are intended to connect you with the spiritual realm and give you insight.

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The silence is an answer.

The rage-filled accusation of evildoing is an answer.

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