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  • Deities (Gods & Goddesses)

Sacred Wisdom & Deities (Gods & Goddesses)

117 Leaves & Deities

The 117 leaves are our way of describing the 117 epithets, nimshalim, or energies associated with Lady Wisdom. As the "Mother of the Gods", all divine beings emanate from Lady Wisdom and each of these epithets can take on a personified (or human-like) form to make it easier for spiritual practitioners to connect with these energies conceptually.

7 Branches & Deities

The 7 branches are our way of describing the wisdom teachings of Lady Wisdom. The gods and goddesses are all connected by these overarching wisdom principles and their energies can be evoked or invoked to connect with these wisdom teachings based on the practitioners intentions and goals.

The Tree & Deities

The tree is our way of describing Lady Wisdom is her full divine and incomprehensible form, meaning that everything that connects to the leaves and branches, such as the gods and goddesses, by extension, are a part of and are the tree herself.

Let's Learn About Deities (Gods & Goddesses)

What are Deities?

Gods and Goddesses are divine beings that take on certain "personas" or masks that can be more easily understood by humans than the entirety of divinity, the universe, or the Great Goddess (or God) in its All-encompassing form, which is rather impossible for humans to fathom. Views on deities vary vastly, but take things slow and find what resonates most with your path.

Why Do Deities Matter?

Deities work with spiritual practitioners and humanity to learn, heal, grow, and expand in consciousness. Though traditions and views on gods and goddesses vary by culture, spiritual beliefs, and so on, there is a collective understanding that they play an important role in spirituality. It is worth noting, though, that deity work or worship is not necessary to be a spiritual practitioner, and many opt out of such practices, which is perfectly fine.

How Can I Connect With a Deity?

If you are interested in connecting with a particular deity, start with researching everything you can about the divine being. Learn their mythology, legends associated with them, symbolism linked to them, other practitioner's experiences with the being, and so on. As you're researching, if things continue to resonate, consider reaching out to or calling upon the deity in a respectful manner and go from there.

Sacred Wisdom Society Courses on Deities (Gods & Goddesses)

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