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An eerie night at a resort that was formerly a home for troubled youth

As time goes on, I hate staying in places that aren't my own home more and more. Though I always travel with my spiritual tools for cleansing, banishing, protection, and the like—there's something incredibly different about sleeping in a place that isn't your well-established and warded house. A recent "free" stay at a resort in Massachusetts was yet another prime example of the icky energy that permeates buildings and locations with an eerie past.

From handsy energy in the shower to haunting vibes from the mirrors, to say I was disturbed in our hotel room was as kind as I could be. The truth was, I wanted to peel my skin off staying here. I hated the feeling of being watched and I even more so was enraged by being touched without my consent.

Unnerved being here, I covered the mirrors, practiced my standard cleansing and protection rituals for the space, and welcomed my spirit guides of benevolence to be present with us while we stayed there—and yet, I still was ready to pack our bags and leave.

The disgusting spiritual energy that exuded from the walls was that of an individual who I knew had caused harm to young children. It was an alarming and deeply disturbing feeling and my heart ached for those who had been unfortunate enough to cross paths with this monster.

Though, I had checked for notable hauntings or strange happenings at the resort before booking, what I hadn't yet discovered was that before being acquired by the hotel chain that now owned the resort, the site used to be a home for troubled youth, boys specifically.

There it was. Plain as day on an old-ass website, seemingly created circa the 1990s. An eerie photo of an old man filled my phone screen. He was highlighted as having run the facility for "wayward boys" turning them into "farmers" and men. He took children with nowhere else to turn, and under the false guise of a helping hand, caused significantly more harm and trauma.

If that wasn't bad enough on its own, the place was then transformed by this man into a resort for "swinging singles" that Playboy, yes, THE Playboy, described as a "frenetic" resort.

If you're unfamiliar with the word frenetic, the two key definitions I found online for the term are fast and energetic in an uncontrolled or wild way and excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion. Both of these are rather distressing definitions, in my opinion, when thinking of safe places to vacation as a young single, especially a woman.

Frustrated and disgusted, I expressed to my husband everything I could see, hear, and feel in this place. I went on to tell him about my findings online and how they corroborated what my intuition, clairvoyance, and claircognizance were telling me. Already late, we didn't have a lot of other options. The town we were in was small and in a rural area with little-to-no alternate sleeping accommodations, and so we decided to stay and try our best to get as much rest as we could—which was none. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Not one ounce of precious sleep was had by me or my husband.

The next morning came and we quickly got ready to head out for our planned adventures for the day. The unit we were in had two bedrooms and bathrooms, which was yet another strange factor in the whole ordeal. The larger bedroom had mirrors facing the bed, a shower/bath directly in the open part of the bedroom rather than in its own enclosed bathroom—and it had an incredibly creepy mirror in it. As we were preparing to shower and get dressed, my husband commented on the strange mirror and how he refused to use that shower because there was something so off about it—and I fully agreed.

After finally leaving the place, we enjoyed our day, though incredibly exhausted, and ended up booking our stay for that night elsewhere (where we got fabulous sleep).

Upon returning home, we had an additional and frightening experience with the energy that lingered from our stay and to avoid triggering any of my blog readers unnecessarily, though some might argue everything I write is triggering, I'll just say that it upset my husband to the point that though he was unable to see, hear, and feel what I was picking up on at the resort, it became very real to him in a different way, and now he too will forever think twice about where we choose to stay on vacations going forward.

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