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  • Grounding

Sacred Wisdom & Grounding

117 Leaves & Grounding

The 117 leaves are our way of describing the 117 epithets, nimshalim, or energies associated with Lady Wisdom. When exploring complex wisdom topics or embracing the process of spiritually awakening, remaining grounded is a fundamental way of maintaining balance and your sanity throughout the process. Regardless of whether or not you view yourself as spiritual, grounding is beneficial to all human beings physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

7 Branches & Grounding

The 7 branches are our way of describing the wisdom teachings of Lady Wisdom. When learning such complex esoteric principles, grounding is especially important as it helps keep you connected to the material realm, sense of reality, and your body, while you're exploring the nature of the spiritual realms and all that exists in the unseen world.

The Tree & Grounding

The tree is our way of describing Lady Wisdom is her full divine and incomprehensible form, meaning that everything that connects to the leaves and branches, are a part of and are the tree herself. Grounding is a powerful way to stay connected to Mother Nature while embracing the unfathomable aspects of divinity.

Let's Learn About Grounding

What is Grounding?

Grounding, often referred to as earthing, is a method for connecting with the healing benefits of the earth itself by walking barefoot in the grass or soil, spending time outdoors in nature, connecting your root energy source to the ground, and so on. This allows excess energy from yourself to be directed back to the earth and also enables your body to absorb healing energies from the earth.

Why Does Grounding Matter?

Grounding helps keep humans connected to their bodies and in harmony with Mother Nature. Grounding helps with emotional regulation, balancing energy levels, healing our bodies on a cellular level, diffusing excess energy, and staying present mentally. For anyone dabbling in spiritual practices, especially shadow work, rituals, spell work, meditation, and the like, grounding is critical.

How Can I Ground?

Grounding is about connecting yourself to the earth element either through your bare feet, hands, or root chakra (energy center). This can be done by sitting on the ground (indoors or outdoors), taking a bath or swimming in a pool, running water over your hands, walking barefoot outdoors, spending time in nature, using grounding mats or wires to ground your bed.

Sacred Wisdom Society Courses on Grounding

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