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  • The Mystic's Journey

Space is limited for this program—reserve your spot to be included on email notifications for when the program is officially live for enrollment.

This three-and-a-half-year program is the beginning of a lifelong path of learning, healing, and growing through the teachings of the ancient Canaanites, Egyptians, Occultists, Esotericists, Spiritualists, and more as taught to me by Astarte and Hekate.

The Mystic’s Journey is structured like a spider’s web. Imagine yourself at the center of the web starting on your journey and making your way around it in a spiral formation that expands outward and upward infinitely.

There are three “realms” that the web spans, connecting together the key layers of the human experience. You’ll make your way through each realm beginning with the physical realm and ending with the spiritual realm.

There are seven “threads” of the web that act as its framework, giving everything in existence order and structure. You’ll encounter each thread along the way beginning with the thread that defines the fundamentals of life to the final thread that showcases the outcome of your evolution as a practitioner.

Each place on the web where one of the three realms and seven threads intersects create 21 anchor points, emphasizing and amplifying the wisdom of where they cross, creating archetypes for spiritual practitioners to learn from. The first archetype is one that will introduce you to magick on the microcosmic scale and the final archetype is one that will show you the world on the macrocosmic scale.

Each of these archetypes connect with a couple specific areas of magick, resulting in 42 smaller trails for practitioners to venture down. Some may find interest in one specific trail, others may eclectically embrace multiple trails in their personal path. These trails span from Ancestral Magick at the start to Cosmic Magick at the end.

As part of the infinite spiral expansion of the web (like that of the Fibonacci sequence), there are 117 energies that practitioners partner with on their journey to be empowered with all of the tools they need for success along the way. These are depicted as epithets of wisdom that can be viewed as energy, concepts, or personified beings based on your personal beliefs.

At the end of the program, you’ll have an arsenal of tools that will empower you on the rest of your lifelong journey as a spiritual practitioner.