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Five of Wands

The Five of Wands depicts five men all holding their own wands and brandishing them up in the air. Like with most fives in the tarot, it is about some kind of disagreement that is facing the querent. This disagreement can either be taken to be as a sign of conflict between the men, or that all of them are simply enjoying the adrenaline rush of this conflict, and that the competition amongst them is of a good natured rivalry, not anger. The relaxed way in which they seem to be holding their wands gives a sense that this argument may be one of show rather than a fierce one.


From the image on the card, the symbolism in the Five of Wands suggests that there is form of conflict in one’s life. This may be an existing conflict or one that is brewing and may eventually blow up in one's face. It may also depict a problem in communication, for example in a situation where no one really wants to listen to the other - meaning that no agreement or understanding takes place. The five men may signify problems in a group of people who are not patient enough to listen to what anyone else is saying. They only want to be heard, and since none of the others will listen, they all argue at once.

Much of this can be solved by the querent taking the first step to try and initiate communication in such a way that you suggest that everyone airs out what they have to say, one at a time. By doing this, you will be able to address the problem, and everyone will be heard. Meaning they’ll all be satisfied.

The Five of Wands can also mean that you are or will be facing competition in an area that you are not used to. This can be at work or school where you will meet people with the same abilities as you who pose quite a challenge - leading to feelings of jealousy, greed, and envy. This tarot card encourages that you accept the competition as a way for you to improve yourself without feeling any malice towards them. This means that you should learn how to cope with them in a civil way.

Element: Fire

About the energetic plane of existence. Themes of personality, inspiration, passion, purpose, and energy.

What This Foretells

Upright: competition, rivalry, conflict Reversed: avoiding conflict, respecting differences

Esoteric Insights

Conflict energetically as arguments, disagreements, tension, competition, and strife