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Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles card depicts a beautiful woman sitting on a decorated throne holding a golden coin. Surrounding her are beautiful blossoming trees and green floral gardens. Her throne is decorated with various beasts of the earth, tying her closely with nature and abundance. At the bottom of the card, on the right-hand side, a rabbit is pouncing into the frame, which symbolizes her high energy and fertility. The Queen of Pentacles, therefore, depicts a certain level of success and prosperity. But the rabbit at the bottom cautions us that we should be careful of where we leap when we are chasing that success.
The Queen of Pentacles represents both a down-to-earth woman who plays many roles to ensure that she keeps her family happy. She knows how and when to show love - keeping an orderly home, cooking comforting meals and takes care of the children. But do not mistake her for being only a homebody - alongside all these motherly attributes, she can plan business ventures and execute her plans successfully. It is through her naturally talented business sense that she is surrounded by such luxury. She is quiet and does not like disclosing her financial accounts, fearing that it could bring more complexity to her life, which she desires to keep rather simple. She may have a secret bank account that nobody knows about - for she may choose to be careful, vigilant and self-sufficient.