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The High Priestess (II)

Discover, intuition, unseen

You've most likely encountered the High Priestess before, but in other forms - she can be seen in the archetypes of Hekate, Astarte, and many more. When you encounter her, you will see her sitting on a cubic stone between the two pillars at Solomon’s Temple, Jachin, and Boaz. Jachin (right) is generally referred to as the Pillar of Establishment and Boaz (left) is the Pillar of Strength. The pillars also depict the duality of nature; masculine and feminine, good and evil, negative and positive.

The High Priestess's location between the two suggests that it is her responsibility to serve as a mediator between the depths of the reality. She is the third pillar - the path between. She believes that both pillars are equal and there is knowledge to be learned in both worlds. You will also notice that she wears the crown of Isis which can mean that she is a believer of magic. The high priestess wearing of the solar cross denotes that she is connected to the season of the earth and the earth itself. The crescent moon at her feet is seen also in many depictions of the Virgin Mary and means that she has a complete grasp over her emotion and the pomegranates refer to the ambition of the priestess.


The meaning of the High Priestess is related with inner knowledge. Her appearance in a reading can signify that it is time for you to listen to your intuition rather than prioritizing your intellect and conscious mind. When the High Priestess shows up it can depict an archetype known as the divine feminine - the mysterious female that understands and holds the answers to the deep unknowns, religion, self, nature. She represents someone that is intuitive and beginning to open to her or his spirituality. Meditation, prayer and new spiritual work is indicated.

Key Themes

The Fool encounters the High Priestess and is ready to start exploring their metaphysical ability, the connection between the physical and spiritual realms, and the depths of esoteric knowledge and wisdom. The High Priestess teaches the Fool that not everything which is real can be seen.

What This Foretells

Upright: intuitive, unconscious, inner voice Reversed: lack of center, lost inner voice, repressed feelings

Memorization Tip

The High Priestess card features the number 2 and is about partnering with the seen and unseen, the physical and spiritual, the external facts and our intuition, and other dualities on our journey.