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The Fool (0)

Excited, inspired, free

The Fool depicts a youth walking joyfully into the world. He is taking his first steps, and he is exuberant, joyful, excited. He carries nothing with him except a small sack, caring nothing for the possible dangers that lie in his path. Indeed, he is soon to encounter the first of these possible dangers, for if he takes just a step more, he he topple over the cliff that he is reaching. But this doesn't seem to concern him - we are unsure whether he is just naive or simply unaware. The dog at his heels barks at him in warning, and if he does not become more aware of his surroundings soon, he may never see all the adventures that he dreams of encountering.


The Fool card is numbered 0, which is considered to be a number of infinite potential. Consider him a blank slate, for The Fool has yet to develop a clear personality. He is the symbol of innocence - his journey to come will shape his character yet.

To see the The Fool generally means a beginning of a new journey, one where you will be filled with optimism and freedom from the usual constraints in life. When we meet him, he approaches each day as an adventure, in an almost childish way. He believes that anything can happen in life and there are many opportunities that are lying out there, in the world, waiting to be explored and developed. He leads a simple life, having no worries, and does not seem troubled by the fact that he cannot tell what he will encounter ahead.

Key Themes

The Fool is starting off on their new journey, and it's something they do not yet have experience in, but they have high energy and are full of good intentions.

What This Foretells

Upright: innocence, new beginnings, free spirit Reversed: recklessness, taken advantage of, inconsideration

Memorization Tip

The Fool is called the "Fool" because they are naive when it comes to this new pursuit, so this links with new beginnings and the unknown. The card also has a "0" on it because the Fool has endless potential.