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The Chariot (VII)

Ambition, drive, motivation

The Chariot tarot card depicts a figure sitting inside a vehicle that is being driven by two black and white sphinxes. The whole card has a bit of a celestial influence; the figure sits underneath a blue canopy adorned by white stars. On his shoulders, he carries the sign of the crescent moon, representing the spiritual influence under which he is guided. On his head sits a crown, meaning that he is enlightened, and that his will is pure. Emblazoned on his chest is a square, denoting the element of earth, of the material world, which grounds him and his actions.

The sphinxes are colored in black and white, a symbol of opposing forces that the charioteer must learn to control. Here they are calm, but they frequently get into scuffles as they seem to want to move in different directions. His task is to guide these sphinxes towards a destination, one that is marked by the cosmic forces that he represents.

The Chariot is linked to the Cancer zodiac sign.


The Chariot tarot card is all about overcoming challenges and gaining victory through maintaining control of your surroundings. This perfect control and confidence allows the charioteer to emerge victorious in any situation. The use of strength and willpower are critical in ensuring that you overcome the obstacles that lie in your path. The Chariot's message comes to make you stronger as you strive to achieve your goals.

The key message that he brings to you is that you must maintain focus, confidence, and determination through a process that will be full of winding turns and detours. If you have a plan or a project that you seem not to be sure about, the Chariot shows that you should pursue the plan with a structured and ordered approach. Your boldness will ensure that you achieve all that you should in this goal.

Key Themes

The Fool encounters the Chariot as they are completing their physical transformation (because this card ends the first cycle of seven stages) and needs to tap into their own willpower and discipline to successfully propel them forward into the emotional transformation cycle that begins next.

What This Foretells

Upright: direction, control, willpower Reversed: lack of control, lack of direction, aggression

Memorization Tip

The Chariot card can be thought of as a "vehicle" that helps us transition from one cycle to the next. The vehicle itself is our willpower and discipline.