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Temperance (XIV)

Patience, flow

On the Temperance card, there is an angel with wings, whose gender is not immediately obvious, which suggests that there is a balance between the sexes. One foot of the angel is in water, to represent the subconscious, while the other foot is on dry land, a representation of the material world. On her robe, there is a square, which has a triangle inscribed inside, another echo of the tangible earth in union with masculine, feminine, and divine child energy. She holds two cups in a manner where she can mix the waters, which represent the super and subconscious minds. The water flows between them, suggesting union and infinity.

Everything about this card represents balance, the perfect harmony that comes from the union of dualities. Her advice is to test any new waters, before jumping into the deep end.


In moments where there is anxiety or great stress, you have been able to remain calm throughout. You are a person who has mastered the art of not letting things get to you, and this allows you to achieve much progress in all areas you seek out to explore. The Temperance tarot card suggests moderation and balance, coupled with a lot of patience. Where this card appears, there is the suggestion that extremity in any situation is to be avoided.

Key Themes

The Fool encounters the Temperance stage as they complete the emotional transformation cycle on their journey. This stage is all about patience, finding balance, and living in flow and harmony with the universe.

What This Foretells

Upright: middle path, patience, finding meaning Reversed: extremes, excess, lack of balance

Memorization Tip

The two chalices being poured back and forth can symbolize us being in perfect flow and harmony with the universe, with emotional energy flowing to and from us without worry or stress.