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  • Wards

Sacred Wisdom & Wards

117 Leaves & Wards

The 117 leaves are our way of describing the 117 epithets, nimshalim, or energies associated with Lady Wisdom. Wards are a form of protective barrier that are especially sacred to Lady Wisdom as the Goddess of Liminal Space or the "in between" space.

7 Branches & Wards

The 7 branches are our way of describing the 7 sacred energies, or wisdom teachings of Lady Wisdom. These 7 wisdom principles highlight in multiple places the importance of protecting what's valuable to keep it from falling into the wrong hands and understanding the veil that separates the seen and unseen realms from one another.

The Tree & Wards

The tree is our way of describing Lady Wisdom is her full divine and incomprehensible form, meaning that everything that connects to the leaves and branches, such as the protective barrier of the veil tapped into with wards, by extension, is a part of and is the tree herself.

Let's Learn About Wards

What are Wards?

Wards are energetic barriers that are created through ritual, magick, and directed energy and intentions. Wards are capable of keeping things "in" or keeping things "out" of a designated place, space, or area.

Why Do Wards Matter?

When dabbling in the spiritual space, wards are an important method of protection and help keep practitioners safe despite the negative energy, ill-intentioned people, or parasitic entities.

How Can I Create a Ward?

Your mind is your most powerful tool. Most practitioners require physical components early in their craft while still learning how to master directing their energy and intentions, but truly, wards can be created entirely in the mental or astral planes of existence.

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