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  • Death & Rebirth

Sacred Wisdom & Death & Rebirth

117 Leaves & Death & Rebirth

The 117 leaves are our way of describing the 117 epithets, nimshalim, or energies associated with Lady Wisdom. As the goddess of death & rebirth, this cycle of procreation is incredibly important to Lady Wisdom and something we hold in high regard at the Sacred Wisdom Society.

7 Branches & Death & Rebirth

The 7 branches are the core wisdom teachings of Lady Wisdom. One of these branches directly connects to understanding the death & rebirth cycle, which ignites the transformation from smallness (or nothingness, like the Fool in tarot) to greatness (or completeness, like the World in tarot).

The Tree & Death & Rebirth

The tree is our way of describing Lady Wisdom is her full divine and incomprehensible form, meaning that everything that connects to the leaves and branches, such as the death & rebirth cycle which can be seen in trees in nature too, by extension, is a part of and is the tree herself.

Let's Learn About Death & Rebirth

What is the Death & Rebirth Cycle?

The death and rebirth cycle is the natural pattern of life transitioning to death, being rebirthed, and finding life once again. This occurs all throughout the natural world, and is a fundamental principle for spiritual practitioners who repeatedly release what is no longer serving them (death), embrace new things aligned with who they are (rebirth), and grow into the newest version of themselves aligned with their highest good (life).

Why Does the Death & Rebirth Cycle Matter?

The death and rebirth cycle is critical to the evolution of who we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually speaking. Without this cycle, we would remain stagnant and never experience growth or development or expansion that is critical to our survival and ability to thrive as spiritual practitioners. This cycle is reflected in the seasons, lunar cycles, day and night cycle, and more.

How Can I Connect With the Death & Rebirth Cycle?

Start by looking inward at thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, and the like that are no longer serving you and work to release (death) those things from you. Then, work to replace (rebirth) what's been released with thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that are more properly aligned with your higher self, and embracing (life) your authentic self more fully.

Sacred Wisdom Society Courses on Death & Rebirth

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