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  • Banishing

Sacred Wisdom & Banishing

117 Leaves & Banishing

The 117 leaves are our way of describing the 117 epithets, nimshalim, or energies associated with Lady Wisdom. As a Goddess of War, banishing and going to war with malicious or negative entities is a natural part of Lady Wisdom in order to protect her devotees, little ones, and the sacred mysteries she presides over.

7 Branches & Banishing

The 7 branches are our way of describing the 7 sacred energies, or wisdom teachings of Lady Wisdom. The core of a couple of these wisdom principles is about maintaining peace and order through the removal of any spirits that are causing problems, conflict, negativity, etc. and then filling the place with Lady Wisdom to prevent them from returning.

The Tree & Banishing

The tree is our way of describing Lady Wisdom is her full divine and incomprehensible form, meaning that everything that connects to the leaves and branches, such as creating chaos through banishing in order to re-establish order, by extension, is a part of and is the tree herself.

Let's Learn About Banishing

What is Banishing?

Banishing removes energies that are not welcome in your space from staying there. Banishing is a broad term that can have many different purposes and be carried out via a plethora of methods. Banishing can apply to people, energies, behaviors, and more. For example, you can banish bad habits or harmful coping mechanisms that aren't serving, you can banish destructive thought patters, or negative entities.

Why Does Banishing Matter?

If at any point during your routine, you encounter unwelcome energies or spirits in your space that aren’t aligned with your intentions or highest good, banishing is necessary. These may be energies or spirits that are draining your energy, have mischievous or malicious intentions, or are around for nefarious reasons, and as a result interfere with your own health, healing, and well-being.

How Can I Banish?

Common methods of banishing are, smoke cleansing, sweeping or dusting, chants or prayers, burning paper with things you want to banish written on it, burning candles with things you want to banish carved into the side, meditation, and more. The most important aspect, though, is the power of your intentions. Simply sweeping or burning herbs is not enough to remove unwanted things from your life and space but requires effort on the practitioner's part as well.

Sacred Wisdom Society Courses on Banishing

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