Recently, I was asked to put together a series of resources on divination, so this article is the beginning of many resources to come.

What is divination?
An overview of divination
Divination can be thought of as any form of communication with the divine (or spiritual) realm. It may include tapping into the energy of the past, present, or future, as well as tapping into the wisdom that exists outside of the human constructs of time.
Personally, I like to think of divination as a conversation that can take place when typical human methods for communicating are less practical or those abilities are not yet developed. For example, if someone can see or hear spirits, they may receive their messages from the divine or spirit realms through their eyes and ears in a very literal way, much like how two humans would converse.
This particular ability is not everyone's gift, strong suit, or preferred method for communication, though, as it can be energetically taxing. Because of this, many practitioners may learn alternative methods for receiving those same messages specifically through the use of divination tools, such as runes, tarot, pendulums, scrying, reading tea leaves, and so on. There is no "wrong" or "right" method of communicating with the divine, it simply comes down to the individual practitioner's preference, comfort level, and ability to receive messages clearly.
Who typically practices divination?
People who are naturally drawn to and connected with the spiritual realm are the main practitioners of divination. They are typically people who crave deeper insight, wisdom, knowledge, and the like that can be gleaned by both looking inward, through self-reflection and looking to the patterns of the cosmos by looking outwards. In reality, anyone can learn what goes into any given divination method, but it takes someone truly in tune with their intuition, higher self, and the collective conscious to clearly receive messages that will provide deeper insight. This comes through practice, practice, practice. And taking a significant amount of time to unlearn closed-minded ways of thinking, learn to embrace open-minded ways of thinking, and most importantly, heal!
How will I feel once I start practicing divination?
Divination requires directed energy and intentions, as well as a connection to your intuition and the spiritual realm surrounding you. Newer practitioners may find themselves feeling like they're swimming in new information, especially when learning a divination method that requires a lot of memorization (like with tarot, runes, etc.). This might make someone feel somewhat tired, drained, or fatigued due to information overload or excess amounts of energy being tapped into, but generally speaking, practicing divination shouldn’t have a tremendous toll on you if you’re properly grounding and taking care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
For me, I also take into consideration the type of connection being made when divining. Simple messages from Spirit may have nearly no energetic toll on a practitioner, whereas a mediumship session with an entity from another realm or place in time could be incredibly draining. All the more reason to properly rest and ground before and after any divination sessions.
Is Divination Evil?
Divination is not evil. At its core, divination is no different than someone who prays, asks a higher power for a sign or message, or flips open their bible to a random verse and takes it as their daily insight for the day. Is it possible to communicate with or tap into energy that is undesirable, ill-intended, or malicious even? Of course, anything is possible when tapping into the spirit realm, but that is why spiritual practitioners are intentional about who or what they're connecting with, as well as practicing grounding, cleansing, and protection. That way they are only connecting with beings that are aligned with their highest good. Can it be dangerous? No, divination itself is not dangerous. If for some reason a practitioner feels like something not aligned with their highest good has occurred during a divination session, again, that is where grounding, cleansing, protection, and even banishing, if necessary comes into play. But is divination inherently dangerous or evil? No, not at all.
Should I be scared of divination?
While it can be scary to perform any new type of spiritual practice, there really isn't anything to fear with divination. To overcome fears surrounding divination, start with something simple, such as pulling a single oracle or tarot card after asking "What can I focus my energy on today?", and then branch out as your confidence grows.
Embracing Divination
What to know before getting started
When people begin the process of learning divination, they are tapping into a large supply of energy and wisdom within themselves and can quickly become susceptible to being drained, exhausted, fatigued, etc., so it's incredibly important to take divination slow.
Start with Grounding, Cleansing, and Protecting Yourself and Your Space
How to Ground Yourself
Grounding before divination is important as it ensures that you are connected to your body, the material realm, and very much present for any messages that will come through. You can ground your energy in several ways including, spending time in nature, walking barefoot on the grass or soil to feel the connection to the earth, sitting crisscross on the ground to connect your root energy source to the earth, imagining roots growing from your feet into the earth anchoring you firmly, practicing intentional breathing exercises, and more. Remember that grounding is a personal practice, so feel free to explore different techniques and find what works best for you.
How to Cleanse Your Space
To cleanse the energy of your space before practicing divination, you can smoke cleanse with sacred dried herbs, sound cleanse with bells or singing bowls, or utilize energy-clearing sprays like Florida water or other cleansing blends. Each method has its unique way of clearing energy and creating a positive environment for your divination session, so use whatever method is easily doable and works best for you. Remember to be intentional through the process, so if you are going to cleanse with burning dried herbs, for example, do not simply wave the burning herbs and smoke around, but set your intentions and focus on cleansing the space you’ll be working in of any negative or stagnant energy so that you have a neutral starting point.
How to Protect Your Space
After cleansing the space to bring it to a neutral state energetically speaking, you’ll then want to protect yourself and the space from any additional unwanted energies from entering during the divination session. This is a critical step as it helps minimize the risk of any disturbances or connecting with any energies that aren't aligned with your highest good. Protection can be implemented by setting an energetic boundary, such as casting a circle, if this aligns with your spiritual path and beliefs, wearing protective crystals, such as black obsidian, black tourmaline, or hematite, or casting a protection spell.
Methods of Divination
Tarot Cards
Tarot is a form of divination that uses a deck of cards to gain insight and guidance. The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, divided into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana represents the larger, more significant events and archetypes in life, while the Minor Arcana deals with the everyday challenges and experiences. Tarot readers interpret the symbolism and meaning of the cards drawn to provide insights and predictions about a person's life, relationships, and future. Tarot reading is often used for self-reflection, decision-making, and gaining a deeper understanding of one's circumstances and emotions.
Oracle Cards
Oracle cards are a form of divination that uses a deck of cards, each with its own unique imagery and meaning. Unlike traditional tarot cards, oracle cards do not follow a specific structure or system. Instead, they are designed to provide intuitive guidance and insight through the symbolism and messages on the cards. Oracle card readings are often used for self-reflection, personal growth, and exploring various aspects of one's life. The process typically involves shuffling the deck and selecting one or more cards, which are then interpreted based on the card's imagery and the reader's intuitive understanding. Oracle card readings can offer a flexible and accessible way for individuals to connect with their inner wisdom and gain clarity on various life situations.
Runes are an ancient form of divination that originated in Northern Europe. Runes are a set of symbols, each with its own meaning, that are cast or drawn to provide insight and guidance. Practitioners of rune divination, known as rune casters, interpret the patterns and positions of the runes to gain an understanding of a person's past, present, and future. Runes are often used to gain clarity on important decisions, identify potential obstacles, and connect with one's intuition. The practice of rune divination remains popular today as a means of self-reflection and spiritual exploration.
Pendulum divination is a form of dowsing that uses a suspended weight on the end of a string or chain to obtain answers to questions. The pendulum is held loosely and allowed to swing freely. The direction and pattern of the pendulum's movements are interpreted to provide information about the question asked. Pendulums are commonly used to locate lost objects, identify energies or auras, clear energy blockages in the body, and gain insight on specific “yes and no” type questions and topics.
Tea Leaves
Tea leaf reading, also known as tasseography (also known as tasseomancy, tassology, or tasseology), is a form of divination that uses the patterns formed by tea leaves in the bottom of a cup to interpret a person's future or gain insight into their life. The process involves brewing a cup of tea, swirling the leaves around, and then turning the cup over to allow the leaves to settle. The reader then interprets the shapes, symbols, and patterns left behind in the cup to provide insights and predictions. Tea leaf reading is believed to have originated in Asia and has been practiced for centuries as a way to gain wisdom and foresight through the examination of the tea leaves.
Scrying is a form of divination that involves gazing into a reflective surface, such as a crystal ball, a pool of water, or a mirror, to receive visions or gain insight. Practitioners of scrying can access information about the past, present, or future through the images and symbols that appear on the reflective surface. The act of scrying is often used to gain intuitive insights, to communicate with spirits or divine entities, and to explore the subconscious mind.
May you walk your path with wisdom and prudence. Blessed be on your journey of spiritual growth and healing.