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Four of Wands

The Four of Wands depicts a couple which dances beneath the welcome wreath which is tied between four wands, which are crystal tipped. There is a canopy of flowers on the card which resembles the canopy that is particularly characteristic of the traditional Jewish ceremony. There seems to be a party that is going on, or some kind of welcome committee for the couple in question. You can see from the image that it represents a time which is sprinkled with feelings of fulfillment, satisfaction brought by the actual attainment of a goal.


The overall meaning of the Four of Wands is that it heralds celebration as well as a harmonious, happy and relaxed home environment. In terms of numerology, the number four symbolizes stability as well as particularly reliable foundations. These are associated with a period of happiness and balance.

The symbolism within the Four of Wands poses that this is the perfect time for you to get together with close people such as friends and family. This could be with or without any special occasion. Oftentimes the card is known to reflect a period of holidays when you are together with your friends and family for an extended period of time. It might also be suggesting for you to invite your closest friends for a great and intimate dinner and share a laugh or two.

Element: Fire

About the energetic plane of existence. Themes of personality, inspiration, passion, purpose, and energy.

What This Foretells

Upright: community, home, celebration Reversed: lack of support, transience, home conflicts

Esoteric Insights

Desire for stability energetically and creatively, indicates community, celebration, engagement, and good work  

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